First Annual James Bay Coffee & Books 143 Menzies, Victoria BC
Talk Like a Pirate Day Wednesday, September 19th 2012
That's right maties! Come on down and join in the festivites.
6:15 pm Pirate Sea Shanties led by Bill Huot
6:30 pm Town Crier, Redmond O'Colonies conducting Hoisting of a New Pirate Flag
because some blaggard stole our old one on August 20th 2012 see the newspaper coverage
7 to 9 pm Open stage /open mic Music Night
Come in your Pirate Gear, or come as you are.
Pirate Jokes arrrrr...
Pirate speak lessons
other fun stuff
6:15 pm Pirate Sea Shanties led by Bill Huot
6:30 pm Town Crier, Redmond O'Colonies conducting Hoisting of a New Pirate Flag
because some blaggard stole our old one on August 20th 2012 see the newspaper coverage
7 to 9 pm Open stage /open mic Music Night
Come in your Pirate Gear, or come as you are.
Pirate Jokes arrrrr...
Pirate speak lessons
other fun stuff